snowmobiles banned

The Associated Press reported today that the National Park Service has banned the recreational use of snowmobiles at nearly all national parks, recreational areas and monuments because of "significant adverse environmental effect" on the park system.

Exceptions to the ban are parks in Alaska and Minnesota's Voyageurs National Park, where Congress specifically allowed use of snowmobiles, and in cases where the vehicles are considered necessary for access to adjacent private lands, the agency said.

The ban affects 12 national parks from Maine's Acadia to Sequoia in California. It specifically includes Yellowstone in Wyoming, the focus of intense controversy. Snowmobiling also no longer will be allowed in 15 national seashores, monuments, parkways, historic sites, recreational areas and scenic trails.

Assistant Interior Secretary Donald J. Barry said, "The time has come for the National Park Service to pull in its welcome mat for recreational snowmobiling." He described snowmobiles as "noisy, antiquated machines that are no longer welcome in our national parks." He added, "The snowmobile industry has had many years to clean up their act and they haven't."

The NPS action was in response to the Blue Water Network and more than 60 other environmental and conservation groups' petition filed more than a year ago. They claimed the National Park Service has not enforced its own regulations, dating back to the 1970s, that required close monitoring of snowmobiles and other off-road vehicles in parks, and a ban if they were found to harm the environment.

The Associated Press story quoted Sean Smith of the San Francisco-based Blue Water Network as saying: "The Park Service is finally waking up to the lasting harm motorized thrill-craft such as snowmobiles cause to parks." Smith is reported to be a former park ranger at Yellowstone.

Word that the Park Service was planning to ban snowmobile use surfaced earlier in the week. Today's announcement makes it official.

What can you do? Grab your telephone directory and contact your federal legislator - Senator and Congressman. Work with your local state snowmobile association. Don't wait. Act now!

And this fall, vote for pro-motorsports candidates.
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