savage on sleds vintage rocks

Today speed and catching big air are considered the ultimate, yet on a vintage sled, at moderate speeds, I had a great time. Also, a day on vintage sleds, hanging with your buddies and, well, probably doing a little sled maintenance, builds strong friendships.

I urge you to visit a show and vintage riding event, like those mentioned above, this winter. First, get into a club or vintage group, then pick up a sled and get it up and running, then, go riding! Even if just for the fun and friendships, vintage is a blast!
Plus, while I'm touting the virtues of old sleds, shows and rides, let me put in a good word for all the clubs (yes, we belong to several) and the hard work their members do to maintain our trails, both physically and by working with land owners to maintain access. We wouldn't be having nearly the fun, nor riding nearly so far, without clubs.

On top of that, a vital part of most clubs are the groomers. See our story on p. 44. We owe these folks a special debt for keeping the trails in good shape for us to enjoy. Remember that as you stop for breakfast, lunch or dinner along a well groomed trail. Heck, take a groomer to lunch, or buy him or her a piece of pie at the local diner next time you get a chance. These are our Trail Heroes!
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