savage on sleds stocking up

You should be reading this in November, and the crisp should already be in the air. Snow, we're certain, will soon follow.

The sled, and trailer, should be prepped and ready to roll. We hope we helped you with that last month. Trips should be planned too. We know last month's Getaway Guide gave you some new places to consider.

Now it's time to buy the new gear, so we deliver our annual Gift Guide, apparel reviews and trailering section to put you on the right track for the best season you've ever enjoyed on the trails or in the mountains.

This issue also is chock full of new sled comparos and long-term tests. Our comparison of the exciting 600cc sport sleds by Founding Editor Jerry Bassett tells you why there's one EASY choice to make, or three very difficult ones, if for some reason you don't like what's behind Door No. 1.

Then for the newbies, I sum up four low-cost entry-level sleds that would be perfect (or darn near) for that first new sled. These are quick and comfortable rides that anybody could enjoy, without having to mortgage the house or first-born.

So, sit back and enjoy another magazine before the snows hit. We know you're ready, cause we're itchin' to hit the trails!
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