riding advice from brian dick


1. Set your handlebars and controls in a position that is most comfortable for you. Today’s sleds come with a lot of adjustment, use it.
2. Make sure your suspension settings are set for your weight, riding style and conditions. Again, there are a lot of settings and your dealer can help you determine the best ones for you.
3. I like to sit in an attack position that will allow me to stand in a heartbeat for added (leg) suspension while traversing a deep hole, or preparing to hit an approaching jump.
4. Don’t be afraid to lean (and I mean REALLY lean) when cornering. Slide up and ride the front of your seat with elbows up. A little body English helps your concentration, and if nothing else you’ll at least look fast.
5. Make sure your Arctic Cat riding gear is color-coordinated to your Arctic Cat snowmobile. Anything with safety orange always adds the perception that you are faster. LOL. - Brian Dick

Brian has been a top Pro Cross Country racer for many years, worked for Cat’s race team, and now works in the ‘double secret’ areas of Arctic Cat’s engineering and development department.
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