A report was released August 31st that claims that of the people who commented on the Winter Use Plan for Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, 122,190 comments from March-June, 73% said that they would like recreational snowmobiling eliminated from the parks and 88,900 said they want snow coaches to be the only form of transportation in the parks during the winter.
There are 193 people that favor the current park plan of 720 snowmobiles with commercial guides. More than 3,200 people, or 2.7%, said they want a plan that expands recreational snowmobile use in the park.
The state of California had the most responses, followed by New York, Florida and Washington.
It is to be noted that this collection is not a scientific process and does not necessarily give a good representation of the general public's opinion. It is not a vote, but the Park Service is paying attention.
The final decision from the Park Service for the Winter Use Plan is expected by the time Yellowstone opens for the winter season in December.
To read the full article on the future of snowmobiling in Yellowstone, by Cory Hatch of the
Jackson Hole Daily,
click here.