longterm test mxz x renegade 1000


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Other's Comments
Brian Moore (Test Rider) - At 12.2 mpg, there were lots of miles between fillups! At first, I noticed that as I reached 65-70 miles on a tank, the gauge would show empty. But, I never put more than 6.2 gallons in, so the gauge is way off.

The first day we rode, I didn't use the handlebar gauntlets we got for this sled, but was surprised at how well the hand guards worked at deflecting cold air. The next two days I used the gauntlets and was able to wear a pair of mechanics gloves with the bar warmers off or on low (at -20 degrees). Gauntlets are worth every penny!

I was extremely surprised at how well the Renegade performed in tight trails. It rarely, if ever, pushed through turns, even at high speeds. The Renegade hardly ever lifted a ski in the corners. We rode trails ranging from marginal snow with icy corners to trails with 8 inches of fresh snow. The Renegade was great in all conditions.

I did have issues with the sled starting after it sat for short periods. Three times the sled started right up after sitting overnight, but after I warmed it up and rode it around for a few minutes, I shut it off to go get my gear on, and when I returned, it would not start. Later it was diagnosed as a fuel pump problem and electrical disconnect.
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