light n lively

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You don't have to spend 10 "G'S" to get best-in-class ride, handling and on-trail performance. Here are three "lightweight" sleds that deliver all-around snowmobiling thrills at a price that won't require a second mortgage!

PROBABLY THE most underrated sports sled on the market, the 500cc Firecat F5 is fully capable of dragging a 250-pound rider across a lake in excess of 90 mph and tackling twisted trails as well as - if not better than - most of the highly hyped "big" power sleds.

Keep in mind the F5 comes standard with all the key features you'll find in a Firecat F7. That means a Suzuki-built "lay-down" twin drives its power through Cat's highly efficient "diamond drive" system on its way to the lightweight track. At 105 horsepower, this Cat's 500 powerplant can run with most 600s. And because its cooling needs aren't as stringent as the bigger-engined Firecats, the F5 sheds a few pounds of cooling pieces that add to its nimbleness on the trail.

If you like to "drive" your sled, the F5 is actually a better all around sports sled than its F7 sibling with its bigger reputation. You can actually be smoother in tight trails with the F5 as you can retain power in, around and out of the tight turns. With its lighter weight over the skis, the F5 is less tiring to ride, making for more fun on long forays in the woods too.

The newly raised ride position provides a bit more leverage for the sports rider as it moves his body slightly forward and his knees more into a "post" position for quicker response in bumps.

I won't take anything away from the F7, but in my estimation, if you're truly a serious sports trail rider, the F5 is a more satisfactory sled. Certainly the F7's 140 horsepower is terrific at launch and across a lake. The results of various shootouts prove that the Cat F7 is the real deal when it comes to straight-line performance.

Yet the F5 is the real deal in the woods, where the trail gets tight, the corners get sharp and agility is at a premium. The throttle control with Cat's electronic fuel injection is outstanding. The power valve adds extra push at top-end while retaining good torque at lower throttle openings.

All in all, the Firecat F5 is a terrific choice for every day, all winter long sports riding. The question is: Can your ego handle riding a 500cc snowmobile? If it can, this is your sled.
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