in response to member comments

You may have noticed a few changes at AmSnow Online since the last time you logged on. These changes have been made to benefit you, the AmSnow Online Riders Club Member.

The Forums have been restructured to optimize speed. Some members let us know that the 50 newest posts that showed earlier this week should be expanded, and it has. You'll now notice that the forums have been changed to show the 150 newest posts (6 pages) in that forum. We made the change to display fewer posts at to optimize website performance.

Message threads can still be found prior to the 150 most recent. Utilizing the search feature at the top of the page can help with that. Your search results will be all inclusive even if it is more than 6 pages. Example: If you ask for ''XCR clutch problems'' the search will include any topic that is titled exactly like this. If you search ''XCR'' it will broaden your search results. Remember to try to be word specific if you are looking to find more. If you are searching by author, It will only search for topics that the specific author your looking for started. Use your browser's bookmark feature to return to a favorite conversation many times.

What we have done to help with both performance and user friendliness is allow member topics to remain for 45 days, and guest topics to remain for 14 days.
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