how to install or trouble shoot handlebar and thumbwarmers
Trouble Shooting
Start with the thumbwarmer. Most thumbwarmers are a throw away item. Generally,due to low costs, it is much easier to replace the thumbwarmer than tryto fix it, unless the handlebar warmers are on the blink too. If only thethumbwarmer is down do the following:
1. Unplug the defective thumbwarmer from the wiring harness relayunit.
2. Remove the heating unit from the back side of the throttle.
3. Carefully snake out the heater's wire without pulling on othercrucial wires.
4. With the old thumbwarmer removed, affix the new heating padonto the lever. Then thread the wire through the wiring harness and plugit back into the appropriate electrical relay. When installing the new thumbwarmer, use wire ties for a nice, clean finish.