how to fix your handling problems

If the skis are properly aligned and your sled still has a tendency to dart or if at the end of the day your arms feel like rubber bands and your shoulders are screaming for a masseuse, then you are a victim of oversteer. Oversteer means too much ski pressure. The weight that should be on the track is resting on the skis which will seriously affect steering. Also, at trail speeds the slightest movement of the handlebars will cause the front end to dramatically overcompensate. To eliminate oversteer, the ski-to-snow pressure must be decreased. To do this, all you need to do is make adjustments opposite those suggested for understeer. Last season one of our test machines had a real bad case of understeer. Nothing we did could get the machine to corner the way we thought it should. As a last ditch effort, we put on a pair of USI skis. Presto-chango! We then turned all components to their stock settings and rode happily ever after.
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