epa official reins in media runaway

In a May 29th letter to Grand Teton National Park Superintendent Steven Iobst, Environmental Protection Agency's Denver based regional director Robert Roberts, officially corrected last month's widely circulated and wildly exaggerated media reports that led many to believe that the EPA wanted snowmobiles banned from National Parks like Yellowstone.

In April, the EPA submitted written comments as part of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Winter Use Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Anti snowmobile groups hailed media reports that suggested that the EPA actually supported a ban on snowmobiles, but according to the May 29th letter, no such ban was ordered.

"The EPA did not instruct NPS that it must ban snowmobiles from Yellowstone National Park, as was erroneously reported in the news media." Roberts stated in his letter. The document emphasizes that standards outlined in the NPS proposed Alternative 2 are far more stringent than those called for by the Environmental Protection Agency, whose job it is to set air quality standards for the entire nation. According to Roberts, the standards proposed by the National Park Service are not only stricter than the EPA would impose, but they are also on a much faster track than the EPA would consider.

Roberts' May 29th addendum to the EPA's comments was written "to assure that the environmental impact statement provides the clearest information upon which to base a decision." This effort to clear up the murky media reports is appreciated by the snowmobile community including The BlueRibbon Coalition.

BRC President Jack Welch said today of the EPA Addendum, "We are grateful to Mr. Roberts for demonstrating his commitment to integrity in this process. The EPA has an important job to do, and obviously, Mr. Roberts takes it seriously." Welch said by telephone from Vancouver BC Canada today, where he is participating in the Annual International Snowmobile Congress.

"We only ask for good science to be used in making the final decision in the SEIS process," Welch continued. "Snowmobilers on an International level enjoy their access to Yellowstone Park by snowmobile in winter. They are not only willing to accept reasonable restrictions, in many cases, snowmobilers have actually been the ones behind the move to make the experience the best it can be for all concerned." Welch concluded.
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