call in tomorrow to save public lands

The Blueribbon Coalition has issued an Action Alert regarding off-highway-vehicle (OHV) recreation being allowed on public lands.

The Blueribbon Coalition is urging those who use public lands for motorized recreational use to contact the Forest Service and tell them not to ban OHV recreation on all public lands.

On March 7, the Blueribbon Coalition, along with a number of multiple-use recreation and resource groups, is planning a national PRO-OHV call-in day. The reason for having the call-in is because on March 9, land preservationists have planned their own call-in. The goal is to preempt the calls of the preservationists to let the Forest Service know there are supporters to OHV access.

The Coalition is asking that supporters use email, phone and fax lines to contact the Forest Service and tell them positive comments about how important OHV recreation is to you and your family or business.

Suggestions from the Blueribbon Coalition for your comments:
1. OHV users are protecting the environment by promoting user ethics as outlined by groups and organizations such as; Tread Lightly!, the Blueribbon Coalition, United Four Wheel Drive Associations, American Council of Snowmobile Associations, National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and the American Motorcyclist Association among others.

2. OHV users contribute thousands of hours each year on volunteer programs that protect and preserve our natural resources.

3. OHV users support managed recreational opportunities on Forest Service lands.

4. While most OHV users support the original intent of the 1964 Wilderness Act to protect lands untrammeled by modern man, the lands currently available for multiple-use must be managed and remain open for the general public to use and enjoy for a wide variety of opportunities.

5. OHV users do not support the President's roadless directive that could close millions of acres of prime multiple-use recreation areas that have established and legal recreational roads, trails and dispersed campgrounds.

6. Tell the Chief of the Forest Service that you want him to ask for funds to adequately support the Forest Service's recreation and trail programs. For many years the Forest Service has said they support recreation but they have not asked for the appropriated moneys to do so.

Please call, email and fax to the numbers below on March 7. If you cannot get through on e 7th, continue on the 8th.

Chief Mike Dombeck
Email: Mike.Dombeck/
Fax: 202/205-1765
Phone: 202/205-1661
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