black jack racing hillclimbs return
Black Jack Racing has released its Hill Drag Racing schedule for 2010-2011, which includes a new site, Edelweiss Ski Area in the Gatineau region of Quebec. BJR says the new site will have support from Canadian and U.S. sponsors.
For those not familiar with Black Jack Racing, it is a family-owned sanctioning group that conducts snowmobile hill drag races at some of the biggest ski hills in the East. With more than 100 combined years of experience organizing snowmobile racing events, the Black Jack crew regularly generates between 350 and 500 entries per event.
Hill drags’ popularity have been growing in the last decade and BJR organizers have struggled sometimes just to keep up with the sheer number of new entrants. BJR tells AmSnow that it wants to continue offering events where entry-level racers can literally drive their sled a few dozen miles to the racetrack and race, then collect their prizes and ride home. While not always possible, BJR tells us that has been the focus of this race group since the start and will continue.
Supporting “REAL, average racers” at a grassroots level is important to both the sponsors and BJR, says Dave Meneely, Black Jack’s owner. He says he has worked closely with the ISR rules committee to develop consistent rules for this type of racing so racers can attend any ISR sanctioned event and be confident that their sled is eligible to race.
More info:, or email Dave at, or call 315-945-1968