avalanche survival


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You must bring this gear with you at all times in avalanche territory and remember that NONE of your essential avalanche gear (beacon, shovel, probe, first aid kit) should be stored on the sled.

The exception is with an ABS pack (Avalanche Airbag System) in the following situation. Do not take off an ABS pack to access the shovel in the pack if you are on or in the run out of an avalanche slope (i.e. trying to dig out your sled that is stuck while highmarking). In this situation you want an extra shovel on the sled. The reason we keep all the essentials in our pack is in case our sled gets buried and we need to rescue someone else who is buried.

Backpack: Large enough so you can carry enough gear to survive the night.
Avalanche beacon: Get a newer digital beacon, they are faster and easier to use. Look for a proven design. Most riders do not practice enough. Carry spare batteries.
Shovel: Large metal blade, extendable shaft, solid design. Do not get a small shovel. If it's not big enough to shovel a driveway, why use it to dig for someone's life?
Avalanche probe: To pin point the exact location of the buried person. Can also locate a buried snowmobile, 260cm (8-ft., 6-in.) or longer.
Map and compass: The ability to use it. Don't rely on GPS alone.
Flagging: May be used in an avalanche rescue to mark last seen point, areas searched and your trail in and out. Wrap around a tree to be found.
Others: Strobe, first aid/survival kit, extra clothes, food and water, bivy sack/space blanket, headlamp, communication and learn more.
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