arctic cat announces new track for its zr zl 800

Arctic Cat just informed us that it will be using a new track design on its ZL 800 and ZR 800 sleds for the coming year. "We will be using a Camoplast Predator track on those 2001 models," said Cat's spokesperson, Jay Lusignan. "This is a different kind of track than we've used in the past. It actually has three different lug heights- .80, .90 and a full one-inch lug."

The track is said to provide improved traction and braking performance on ice and hardpack due to is varied lug height and conical lug shape. Camoplast also states that the design reduces the need for studs. The 121-inch Predator track weighs in at 33 pounds.

Arctic Cat will use the one-inch lug height in its new specification grids.
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