25 years in the making amsnows best of the best

For the last quarter of a century AmSnow has been picking sleds that outshine others.
In the early years we didn’t always pick an overall “Best sled,” but not a year went by without certain sleds getting picked or recognized, in their respective segments, classes or new categories. We even chose a few “bests” that weren’t even sleds!

We don’t disclose exactly how we choose our Best of the Best each year, for the same reason a professor doesn’t tell people exactly what is on an upcoming test. We also think some true suspense for the big 4 manufacturers is good for them once in a while. BUT we can tell you it is an intense group decision between a few hand-picked test riders and editors who range in age from 65 down to 25. None of us ride EXACTLY the same, but all weigh in with our opinions. We don’t make any decisions until everyone in the group has sufficiently ridden each machine being considered.

Here we’ve put together a smattering of sleds from the last 25 years that were named Best of the Best in one way, shape or form by AmSnow. We didn’t always call them the “Best of the Best,” but nearly every year several sleds were acknowledged for standing out from their peers. There were certainly many other Best of the Best sleds we could have mentioned, but we think you’ll enjoy this snapshot of The Best of the Last 25 Years.
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