2011 extreme utility snowmobiles


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There was a time when talking about one or more of the Big 4 building an extreme utility sled would have earned you “The Village Idiot” title.

We heard no one clamoring for one, and had received no letters, no e-mails, no comments on our website’s forums or at snowmobile shows. Yet, now there are two, possibly with more to follow in their ski tracks
So if you’ve been hoping to go all out in the outback while hauling a cord of wood behind your sled, well, Arctic Cat and Ski-Doo have some X-treme utility models they’d like you to know about. X-citing? You bet! X-hilerating? Oh, yes!

You can be sure in this group that X marks the spot for X-troverted utility and off-trail touring action. Cat’s X-ample is its Bearcat Z1 XT, while for Ski-Doo it’s the new Tundra Xtreme.

All the breathless X-hortations aside, here are how these two new radical sleds stack up.
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