2000 polaris 800 xcr


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By The Numbers
I was able to put 1324 miles on the 800. The big triple averaged 10.4 miles per gallon. At first, the oil consumption was excessive at one quart per 6.7 gallons of gas, but after dealer tweaking, the season average was one quart per 10.57 gallons of gas. I feel these numbers are reasonable for a sled with incredible performance. I often found other riders in my group seeking a gas station before me.

As far as maintenance, I did nothing to the XCR but fill it with gas and oil. I think the oil level readability is something worth noting. The oil tank access was not a problem, but I found it difficult to read the oil level, as it's tucked behind the airbox.

Overall, I loved the Polaris 800 XCR. I wish the midwest snow conditions would have been more favorable to rack up more miles on the trails, but I always seemed to find a nice strip of hard pack on the lake to satisfy me.
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