Continental Divide

December 2007 Feature

The variety alone is almost mesmerizing. If you simply ride from one end of the 608-mile system to the other, that's a worth goal. But if you do choose that route, you'll be missing much of what the CDST has to offer. Just imagine the topography of the Wind Rivers between Point A and Point B-everything and more a sledder would want.   

There are some sledders who ride one part of the CDST and never see it all. And they're happy and content about that because of the great riding areas such as Togwotee or Dubois or north of Pinedale. Certainly it would take weeks but more like months and even years to explore the entire length of the CDST in the Wind Rivers. There's a lot of territory in there.

The CDST has flexed its muscle in the Top 15 Trails in the West for many years and has been in the top five for most of the time SnoWest has been conducting the reader survey. The CDST again finds itself at No. 2 after knocking West Yellowstone out of the No. 1 two years ago. And although SnoWest Magazine's survey focuses on the West, we think the CDST would be in the top five of any system in the snowbelt. It's big. It's bold. It's a blast.

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