Riding Our National Parks

Cruising through (some of) America's national treasures

February 2005 Feature Mary O'Byrne and Lane Lindstrom


Giant Sequoia National Monument
The Giant Sequoia National Monument has basically been carved out of some spectacular mountainous national parks in southcentral California. It is surrounded by Kings and Sequoia National Parks, several Wilderness Areas and the Tule River Indian Reservation.
The riding in the national monument is on roads not plowed in the winter, including the Great Western Divide Highway in the southern portion of the monument. There are two sections of Giant Sequoia, a northern portion around Sequoia Lake and west of King's National Park and the larger southern portion west of Springville and then curving south around the Indian reservation. The two parcels are bisected by Sequoia National Park.
The national monument was created in 2000 to protect the giant sequoia groves (38 in all) within the Sequoia National Forest, which still manages the land in the monument.
Gorges, domes, spires, mountains, lakes, rivers and stream drainages all combine to give this national monument a terrain where you can climb from 2,500 feet to more than 9,000 feet in just a few miles.
Several miles of groomed trails are maintained during the winter, allowing sledders to take in the winter scapes and awesome scenery this part of California holds. Several trails lead up to vistas and lookouts so you can take in the views of the Sierra Nevada.
Detailed maps of the available trails are on Giant Sequoia's website (listed below). Nearly 100 miles of the trails in the national monument are in the southern portion with the balance in the north.

GSNM General Information
 Snowmobiling is only allowed on roads. No off-trail riding is allowed.
 There are services such as gas and food in several spots in the national monument.

Giant Sequoia National Monument
Elevation 2,500-9,000
Snowfall 150 inches
Trails 171 miles 
Location  Southcentral California
National Monument Established 2000
Size 327,769 acres
Full-Service Town Pinehurst, Fresno
Nearest Airport Fresno  
Information Giant Sequoia National
Monument ((559) 784-1500 or

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