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Yuba Pass Update


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Got to the Snow Park around 10:45 AM. About 1-2 ft. at the trailhead. The main Yuba road(12) had recently been groomed. Took the first turnoff to the right and headed towards Lincoln Valley. Snow was starting to soften up and we could pretty much go wherever we wanted. Ran with our scratchers down to keep the sleds running cool. Did not run into any icy slopes on either the Lincoln Valley side or the Coburn Lake/Maiden Valley area. Coburn Lake is starting to show some water around the shore edges. All in all, not a bad day for a scoot. Conditions(Spring riding) were much better than we expected. Did not see or hear anyone else all day. Guess we were the only ones up there. As always, lunch was good. Sorry, no pics.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Hit Yuba again this morning and motored around the area. On the snow at 11:00 AM. The snow is still sticking around at the parking lot and on the 12 road heading in. Worked our way back over to Coburn Lake(following the ridgeline) and dropped down off the ridge and over to Maiden Valley. The snow softened up and wasn't to bad down in that area. Took a few pics. Coburn Lake is showing a light blue color and some pull lines up out of Maiden Valley. Sure hope some freshy comes rolling in one of these days.IMG_1391.JPGIMG_1392.JPG

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Glad to hear you had a great time Don. Here at LTS they move the sign to Perrazzo. At least you can get to the snow now.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Glad to hear you had a great time Don. Here at LTS they move the sign to Perrazzo. At least you can get to the snow now.
Not exactly a kick-ass day of riding, Steve, but a lot better than sitting home eating Cheetos. At least the snow isn't melting away in a heartbeat. The cold nights help. Keep the faith, bro.
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