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FOURCAST goes live on itunes



Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Crazy its so much cheaper in the US. I had nothing to do with pricing and don't even know how the price structure is established, my guess is itunes and the governments collect the money and the filmakers are stuck with all the liabilities. I guess I'll find out in January. As usually, everything is so more expensive in Canada. DANG!
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Nov 26, 2007
golden BC
Anyone know if you can burn this on a DVD or is it locked up?

DVDs, they still make those? hook the computer up to your TV, then BAM!

also, why isn't there a HD version to download? it says ones available on apple TV?

one last thing. Slednecks finally put out a great video, thank you Jorli for making that happen.
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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
DVDs, they still make those? hook the computer up to your TV, then BAM!

also, why isn't there a HD version to download? it says ones available on apple TV?

one last thing. Slednecks finally put out a great video, thank you Jorli for making that happen.

Not sure why there isn't an HD release, the film is 1hr 23min long, there maybe a maximum bit quota but its totally out of my hands.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Pretty cool. Congrats dude. Now you got to work on getting it aired on oln or speed channel or something along them lines. :thumbsup:

Thanks, I test drove it by a Canadian network but there were a few significant problems; Some of the music would have to be licensed for TV and the production would have to purchase the time slot and sell the adverts to recoup the costs.

I have no experience selling adverts for TV nor the contacts to bother pursuing it any further. Pretty much a no go!



Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
if it sells really well on itunes will you think about doing a sequel?

I don't think so, it would have to sell really well on itunes to change my mind. I still owe a lot of money on this production and the business really doesn't work without industry support. I know the sled manufactures have no interest in supporting independent media and without their financial muscle and marketing muscle its too overwhelming to undertake everything from pre-production to sales on your own. I would have hoped Fourcast might have risen above and gained critical mass on its own but there is no mechanism in this industry to allow for that.

This industry is f&*%ed, its next to impossible to get a manufacture to respond to a request yet alone have that response be positive. It makes one wonder if they are really THAT clueless or if they've rationalized that nothing anyone does makes any difference or maybe they just want to drive all the good people out of the industry.....I don't know. We can't even get dealers to give us cost on machines. It costs enough money making films, nor less paying for snowmobiling.

I think the snowmobile industry is going to be barely treading water for years to come. I live in the youth capital of recreation for the entire world that also offers the best snowmobiling and I haven't seen any new faces in our area for a couple years now. I spoke with several dealers over this last week and they are dead slow, not a good sign for this time of year especially with such an epic winter being forecasted. None of the manufacturers have any interest in sponsoring Kalle Johansson or Cody Borchers, these guys definitely have the potential to influence costumers. It blows my mind, its like a record label that produces CDs but has no artists.

I watched every other sport create incentive for it's core participants, from riders to photographers to filmers, and that modus d'operendi has helped the sports grow. I don't understand how the OEs expect people to empty their wallets in pursuit of besting themselves and pushing the sport with the only outcome being their own financial ruin, there is no incentive for young people to push themselves in this sport, there is nothing to dream for.........except your own satisfaction but that only goes so far when you're bankrupt.

I given copies of Fourcast to pro athletes from other sports and its the same broken record; "I had no idea snowmobiles were so versatile", when core people don't know this.....it really shows a failure in communication.

I can't think of any justification to help the OEs when they wont help us or themselves, but obviously I don't "get it" and neither do they.

I've given up, I can't make this work. Sorry.
Nov 30, 2007
Grand Junction, CO

Best sled flic ever done, period. If you don't own this one, the $9.99 price on i-tunes is a bargain. Do yourself a favor and download it! Then make yourself comfortable 'cause you ain't going anywhere for 90 minutes!

It's a shame there's not any support behind film makers like this.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
that is actually quite sad that kj can't get sponsored. he kills it!

He is pushing the future of the sport, no question about it. He isn't afraid of committing to technical big mountain lines and some of the stuff I seen him do is definitely pants soiling material.

I'm also very impressed by Cody Borchers, Brett Turcotte and Burandt, they all rip in their elements.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
I'm pretty sure the itunes digital version is protected, at least I really hope it is, but not to prevent people from making DVDs. You can play it through your computer to your tv if both are modern enough or if you want the DVD, check out www.highmarkfilms.com and grab it from the store.

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