Over the summer, I put a 162 under my 01' Summit X hmk 800 144. I did a skid set-back with a big wheel kit and the offset axle reversed so it angles back to take up some extra track. When I did it, everyone told me to drop the center front pivot on the skid down 3/4" to get some weight transfer back, so I did. After a pretty good dump of snow, I was out messing around in the field and noticed that the sled doesn't pop up out of the snow or plane out like it used to. It just trenches and won't pick up any speed. If you transfer from the soft to the hardpack, it will rip your arms off! I know my ski's suck but I was hoping that it was just the skid geometry was off. Also, as of right now, the sled is super tippy! If you slide your butt to one side or another, it about falls over on its side, so do I need to move the skid pivots so the skid sets flat when you lift the rear end? I was going to mess with the limiter strap before drilling holes, but wouldn't that preload the center shock and make it rock hard? Also, how do you run your spring preloads for the soft stuff? Thanks for all the help!