Locals spend far more time in avy country so the total fatality statistics are naturally going to skew towards them as a group.
I wonder if someone were to do a comparative study of locals vs tourists in terms of rider days or total sled miles to avalanches encountered (not necessarily fatalities) what those ratios would look like? Granted, a more accurate gauge would be to track total minutes spent on a slope but that would be nearly impossible to record.
Not picking on Tudizzle, but a guy at his level spends probably around 45+ rider days a season, and logs close to a thousand miles in avy terrain, season after season. If he triggers an avalanche of any size once a season his ratio would be around 45:1. More realistically he triggers an avalanche 2 maybe 3 times in his life (I don't know his personal history) while continuing to rack up the avy free rider days season after season.
So let's crunch the numbers for locals. In the U.S. according to the CAIC's numbers there were 116 snowmobile avy fatalities during the last decade (2001-2010) Let's assume that the vast majority of deaths were locals and in western states, say 107 out of 116. That's about 93%.
Now for the rest of this I'm guessing at the numbers but trying to be conservative. If you have some hard data please add it. Let's assume that the average number of local mountain riders per year for this period for all western states was 15,000 (less in the early 2000's, more at the end). Let's also assume that those 15K riders logged an average of 20 rider days per year. Let's also assume that for every fatality there were 10 rider triggered avalanches.
If these numbers are acceptable then the fatality ratio for locals over the last decade works out like this:
15,000 x 20 x 10 = 3 million total rider days
107 deaths x 10 = 1070 total rider triggered avy's
3 million divided by 1,070 yields a ratio of 2,804:1 or 1 rider triggered avy per every 2,800 rider days
Going the other way 1,070 divided by 3 million = a .0003566666667% chance of any one rider tiggering an avy on any given day.
How does that compare to the visitors who get killed or trigger avy's on a succession of week long trips over the same period?