So if she hangs out at a middle class bar and drinks Bud, she's qualified to be second in command? My wife does that and all she does is ***** about work, bills, blah, blah, blah. Shouldn't a leader of our great country be more worried about international affairs, economic issues (not I'll betcha I can get that Eskimo to buy me a beer), Health care, the current status of Wall St?
Face it people, she is not middle class, and if she is VP she will never see another middle class person in her life. And if she was, would you really want her running the country? Historically presidents are wealthy before they enter office because they understand economics, make sound investments, and know how to run a corporation (with the exception of George W of course).
Get a grip, stop trying to validate this terrible joke the republican party played on you when they tried to appeal to the woman vote, and accept the fact that if McCain fell over and died (Which I don't wish on this man that I DO RESPECT), this unqualified nut job will be our PRESIDENT.