LMAO! Got TDragon on 91 Octane?
She's a boondocking fool! No intercooler....and a few other little changes and she's baaaaack! At 4-5 lbs. I'm smiling! The TM7 ate another donut! Think I'll start calling it "The Cop!" Got Krispy Kreme? The TNytro had a stroke or something...its' brain is not working right. In ICU...touch and go! The lights are on, but nobody is home, at least in the middle and top end...
Help Wanted: Stuck Mechanic. Able to wrench, clean and maintain 2 or 4 stroke turbos. Anal retentive about keeping my kids, Puff, Cop, and Glycerine, in tune, clean, dry, full of fuel/oil and unstuck. Will watch my guages, as I suck at it, and tell me WTF is going on when my sled keeps farting and not able to climb. Expertise in forestry a plus. Will remove tree bark and scratches from any part of the sled's anatomy, and extrication of larger branches and/or logs from the belly pan is likely. Send resume to the Sunridge Sledhaus. c/o SS, Huntsville, Utah.
Enjoy the beach! Got Great White? Got Chum? Got 2nd or 3rd rung on the food chain? Not for me....I'll stick to the frozen white water on the hills!