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Wyoming man hits wolf with snowmobile and proceeds to parade it around.

What’s hilarious about this whole thread…….

There seems to be absolute trust that the “news” is fairly portraying the story.

Is that presumptive?

Could be the normal media bias showing the actual story in the worst possible light?

Is the guy a rancher who has lost 30-50 head of cattle to wolves this winter?
And finally snapped?

If he was given a fine for possession of a wild animal then obviously the local authorities took the action they saw necessary.

The keyboard warriors wanting to “kick his ass” are equally hilarious…..
What’s hilarious about this whole thread…….

There seems to be absolute trust that the “news” is fairly portraying the story.

Is that presumptive?

Could be the normal media bias showing the actual story in the worst possible light?

Is the guy a rancher who has lost 30-50 head of cattle to wolves this winter?
And finally snapped?

If he was given a fine for possession of a wild animal then obviously the local authorities took the action they saw necessary.

The keyboard warriors wanting to “kick his ass” are equally hilarious…..
He’s an owner operator trucker so no he didn’t lose livestock. He’s had multiple run ins with the law. He himself & family members bragged about it on their social media.
The $250.00 fine just makes it look even worse- but for now that is all the state can dig up. Being a wolf just makes it more in the lime light- he should have just killed it and been done with it.
I am related to this guy, and just shake my head .... but he does have livestock on his property and 100% was in his right to kill it- but the manner in which he went about it showboating it- is not cool.
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Yeah this story has gained major traction & was first reported by a UK news outlet. Of course in the first sentence what do people see that he ran over the animal with a snowmobile. What’s really shocking is this statement, Roberts ran the wolf down with a snowmobile, a legal-in-Wyoming practice that lawmakers have tried and failed to prohibit. Um WTF Wyoming! Let’s just screw over our already hated sport even more.
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Yeah this story has gained major traction & was first reported by a UK news outlet. Of course in the first sentence what do people see that he ran over the animal with a snowmobile. What’s really shocking is this statement, Roberts ran the wolf down with a snowmobile, a legal-in-Wyoming practice that lawmakers have tried and failed to prohibit. Um WTF Wyoming! Let’s just screw over our already hated sport even more.
Ya, if LOOKS counted, this looks HORRIBLE.
Regardless of how you feel about the act, there is no question it is more ammunition for the anti-snowmobile, anti-hunt, pro wolf crowd to use against us. When we lose backcountry access and we are gonna, they won’t have to chase us down in the wilderness or the park or critical winter refuge, we are going to post all they need.
The photo will be used as a fund raiser for PETA and the pro-wolf crowd, and for groups that want to limit snowmobile use on public lands... this one guy gave the groups that oppose snowmobiling a lot of imaging for their campaigns... guy is an idiot.

It’s not illegal to hit animals even livestock in any open range state with any type of vehicle. Whole lotta freeway criminals if it was.
This isn't about LEGAL vs. ILLEGAL.
I get it is, the guy didn't break any laws in chasing down the wolf on his Snowmobile.
But that doesn't remove the STENCH of what he did.

Granted, I acknowledge my own personal bias here.
I have been seriously thinking about getting a High Content Wolf Dog to go along with my 4 Huskies, as I am a HARD CORE dog enthusiast who loves his Huskies as much as his sled.

But no matter how you slice and dice it, parading that wounded Wolf around in a bar with Duct tape on its muzzle was just a BONEHEAD thing to do.
And DAMN it has set off a freaking international FIRESTORM.

And of course SNOWMOBILES are attached to the incident.
Just like the idiot a few years ago that SHOT THE MOOSE on the trail.
This guys troubles are far from over. this very second there is several groups with a room full of attorneys preparing millions of dollars worth of civil suits against him, Wyoming, the bar it took place in, maybe even the sled manufacturer.
This guys troubles are far from over. this very second there is several groups with a room full of attorneys preparing millions of dollars worth of civil suits against him, Wyoming, the bar it took place in, maybe even the sled manufacturer.
You are VERY likely not far off the mark.
The radicals WILL be after their pound of flesh from this guy.

Outrage after US hunter who reportedly took wolf in bar and killed it only fined​

Residents call for felony charges after Cody Roberts reportedly taped animal’s mouth shut, took photos and killed it behind bar

Ramon Antonio Vargas
Wed 10 Apr 2024 05.00 EDT

A Wyoming hunter who reportedly ran over a gray wolf with a snowmobile, taped the creature’s mouth shut, took a picture with it inside a local bar and then shot it to death behind the tavern has ignited calls for stiffer penalties in such an egregious case of animal abuse.

Cody Roberts, 42, is at the center of the uproar after being ticketed and fined a couple of hundred dollars for illegally possessing the wolf while it was still alive – but so far going unpunished for the manner in which he is said to have killed the animal.

Meanwhile, Wyoming wildlife authorities have kept much of the case hidden under a veil of secrecy, arguing that records on wolves taken in the state are not matter of public record under laws there.

But the news outlet WyoFile.com reported that the laws only protect the privacy of people “legally taking a wolf” within the state and therefore may not apply in the case of Roberts, who stands accused of flagrantly and cruelly violating hunting ethics.

Regardless, in a statement to WyoFile, the president of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums – Dan Ashe – summarized the typical reaction to the actions attributed to Roberts.

“In view of this, I think every state should be reviewing their statutes to make sure that this kind of cruelty is punishable,” Ashe said.

Elsewhere, as of Tuesday, a Change.org petition demanding that Roberts be made to answer felony animal cruelty charges had drawn more than 55,000 signatures.

The news outlet Cowboy State Daily – citing multiple sources with knowledge of the case whose accounts have not been substantially challenged – reported that Roberts ran a wolf down with a snowmobile and incapacitated the animal on 29 February near his home town of Daniel in Sublette county.

It is legal to kill wolves in that area of Wyoming, which removed the animals from its endangered species list in 2017. Yet instead of killing the wolf on the spot, the Cowboy State Daily recently reported that Roberts hauled the animal to the Green River Bar. Photos taken at the bar showed the wolf’s mouth taped shut.

Roberts finally brought the wolf behind the bar building and shot it to death before an anonymous tip to the Wyoming game and fish department brought him under the scrutiny of investigators, according to the Cowboy State Daily’s reporting.

A statement from a game and fish department spokesperson that provided details of the wolf’s killing stopped short of linking Roberts to the case. The statement only said that an individual had been ticketed for illicitly bringing a live wolf to a business in Daniel before euthanizing the animal – an offense that carries a $250 fine.

Nonetheless, county court records show Roberts received a wildlife violation on 29 February, the Cowboy State Daily reported.

The Cowboy State Daily by Saturday had obtained and published a shocking photo of a man identified as Roberts holding a beer can in his left hand, smiling while wrapping his right arm around a dejected-looking wolf. In the photo, the wolf’s mouth is shut by red tape wrapped around its snout.

The director of Wymong’s game and fish department on Monday bristled at the notion that the agency was being unduly secretive or demonstrating leniency in the case. The official told the Cowboy State Daily the department was balancing the public’s right to information with Wyoming laws meant to protect the identities of people who legally hunt wolves and help keep its wildlife population manageable.

However, that stance has done little to dissuade animal rights advocates from calling out Roberts and demanding that the trucking company owner be made to face much harsher consequences than he has.

“Roberts’ actions clearly warrant a punishment more severe than the $250 ticket he received,” Scott Edwards, the general counsel for American Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy, said in a statement. “Such an anemic response on the part of law enforcement will be seen by some as tacit approval of his crime and can only motivate other like-minded individuals driven by hatred of wolves to engage in similar, repugnant behavior.”

Attempts to contact Roberts for comment weren’t immediately available. In posts that were no longer accessible Tuesday, a user identified as a relative of Roberts wrote: “I love and support you Cody.”

The user also wrote the celebratory expression “woohoo” in a post that shared a link to a Cowboy State Daily article headlined: “Wyoming Animal Cruelty Laws Don’t Apply to Alleged Wolf Torment Case”.

As the New York Post noted, while some replies to those posts described their horror at the allegations against Roberts, many were supportive, including one which read: “I’m with him!!! I’ll bring the duct tape.”

55,000 Signatures AND CLIMBING rapidly..


jack links

This is the face of evil. Cody Roberts took a few moments to pose with the wolf and a beer before finally putting the animal out of its agony.

If Cody Roberts doesn't deserve a felony charge, we don't know who does.

Just a few weeks ago, the Daniel, Wyo., resident ran over a wolf with his snowmobile, taped the wounded creature's mouth shut, tortured him, and then paraded the injured animal in front of his buddies at a local dive bar before finally taking the forlorn and bleeding animal out back to shoot him.

It's a crime that shows animal cruelty at its worst. Senseless. Prolonged. Gleeful. Pain meted out with a smirk and a beer.

But instead of charging Roberts with a felony, local officials wrist-slapped him with a $250 fine for unlawful possession of living wildlife. It was a do-nothing penalty—essentially the equivalent of a speeding ticket—that sends a clear message to people like Roberts who find pleasure in tormenting and torturing animals: Go ahead and do it.

Roberts, who owns C. Roberts Trucking, LLC, paid the fine. The case now? Closed.

Not if we—and you—have our way.

Please help us tell the Sublette County Attorney that Roberts must be prosecuted under Wyoming's anti-cruelty law. He must be charged with a felony and go before a jury of his peers.

If ever a case—and if ever a person—deserved felony charges for animal cruelty, it is this one. It is Cody Roberts.

Please. Sign today.
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