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WTF! this crap in Nebraska?

I love they way they say "sniper" instead of crazy nutjob.

not too mention they said he was firing randomly. nutjob is a better description definitley. at least he off'd himself afterwards. loser!
The least the guy could have done was stayed home and done himself in instead of taking a bunch of good people with him. GRRRRRRR....
It seems like it never ends one right after the other :( prayers sent out for the victims and there families. More and more I'm thankful for the ability and right to protect myself in situations like this.
Sorry to hear ,too many freaks running around.He lost his job so he had to take out a bunch of innocent people?He should have just jumped off a bridge or something and ruined his own life not the lives of innocent others.
See, if one of those 8 people had a pistol to defend themselves, this could have never happened, or atleast there would only be ONE dead person! Excersise our right to carry guns!
See, if one of those 8 people had a pistol to defend themselves, this could have never happened, or atleast there would only be ONE dead person! Excersise our right to carry guns!

Yeah so my question is...where were the security at that actually do have guns? Not that I dont think carrying a weapon is all that bad but to help fuel the debate the news makes commments like....."The shooter used a automatic" Last I checked not to many of those out there! The news doesnt help the pro gun fight thats for sure.
I'm thinkin that people are misinterpreting the phrase 'no such thing as bad publicity' he even stated he was gonna be 'famous'
Very sad indeed, very close as well...had family members in the mall when it happened, heard the shots even. I agree why this kind of thing doesn’t happen when a person that legally can carry a gun is around, if some wacko was toting around an AK I'd have no problem killing him before he shoots me. Want to become rich? Make fashionable bullet proof clothes.
I'm thinkin that people are misinterpreting the phrase 'no such thing as bad publicity' he even stated he was gonna be 'famous'

That whacko at VT said the same thing! The media is part of the problem!

This kid's mug is gonna be pasted in every paper and news show all through the rest of the Christmas and New Years, further adding to these family's pains. I feel for them, including his parents! They are going to have to live the rest of their lives with the decision they made and somehow making themselves believe that this was their fault!
Can't believe these losers, sad part is this is a problem with no end in sight. :mad:

I went to the same highschool my freshman year, a long time ago.
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