Here is my suggestion.
Try keeping your posts in this forum on target for COLORADO and maybe the moderator won't touch them.
In the meantime PJ, move that thread down into the forum where it belongs. It might not need to be closed, but it does need to be moved.
If we all "got a life" then you would be out of a job. My negativity toward you specifically is based on the fact that I have seen a number of threads where constructive criticism has been aimed your way & I have not seen a single bit of it taken into use. I'm sure with the number of little details on this site, that I'm at least a little wrong o this, but in general people on here are not happy with MANY of the changes (I'm not saying all, and I have defended them in the cat forum btw)
As for the Colorado part of things; YES, this is the Colorado forum, where those of us from CO talk about whatever the heck we want to, sometimes it's local politics, sometimes it's sports, sometimes it's freaking unicorns
We are on target, thanks.
Btw, sorry for the rude comment in the other post, a lot of us are frustrated, but that was a rude way to refer to you, whether you intend to personify that adjective is up to you.