We do not pay them that I know of, but they do serve a very important purpose ,, to make sure everyone has a snopark permit, and a sled registration. We've asked them to patrol the snopark. ( kittitas County Grooming Council ) We used to have a very high "non compliance" issue at crystal springs,, If they dont register their sled or buy the snopark permit, we get nothing. They have helped tremendously, please give them some slack, AND your correct, we dont get any money when they write the tickets, but we do get the money when people go out and buy their reg or permit for the next weekend !! Crystal springs is under a very tight micro scope with the local neighbors. To much alcahol abuse, people speeding up and down the roads in and out , garbage, noise ect ect. THEY ARE DOING WHAT WE HAVE ASKED THEM. you want to loose the snopark,??? And just for info, years ago we have had issues with parking on big weekends, thats why we put up the parking sign up . they do help with that but mostly their presence has helped a ton. Most of you dont know what all has been going on up there, but I can tell you we've been battling law suits for the last couple years to keep this snopark open. From one who has been involved with this snopark since it's begining, and built the original groomer shed.
We do not pay them that I know of, but they do serve a very important purpose ,, to make sure everyone has a snopark permit, and a sled registration. We've asked them to patrol the snopark. ( kittitas County Grooming Council ) We used to have a very high "non compliance" issue at crystal springs,, If they dont register their sled or buy the snopark permit, we get nothing. They have helped tremendously, please give them some slack, AND your correct, we dont get any money when they write the tickets, but we do get the money when people go out and buy their reg or permit for the next weekend !! Crystal springs is under a very tight micro scope with the local neighbors. To much alcahol abuse, people speeding up and down the roads in and out , garbage, noise ect ect. THEY ARE DOING WHAT WE HAVE ASKED THEM. you want to loose the snopark,??? And just for info, years ago we have had issues with parking on big weekends, thats why we put up the parking sign up . they do help with that but mostly their presence has helped a ton. Most of you dont know what all has been going on up there, but I can tell you we've been battling law suits for the last couple years to keep this snopark open. From one who has been involved with this snopark since it's begining, and built the original groomer shed.
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