never-to-much-powder, Deer hunting is a time-honored custom, steeped in tradition. We plan for, and look forward to that one weekend all year. It is something that the generations of men of the family can all do together, with the older men teaching the younger ones the ways of the hunt... it is more than a simple 'hunt one day, and attend the other' decision...
We drive hours to our favorite spot that has been groomed over decades to be just comfortable enough to stay from 2 days to a week, depending on the work schedules of those that attend... and set up camp with just enough comforts to sleep well, and eat well, while being both a mentor, and mentored...
and nothing is more exciting and sacred than that Friday night before opening day, checking your gear one last time, running a loving hand across your rifle stock, hoping, dreaming of a big buck in your sights on that quiet, crisp morning... setting your alarm for too early, to be sure that you're ready for the trek through the familiar woods to your 'secret' spot, to wait for the first light to reveal what the 'Deer Gods' have planned for you this year...
Please don't minimalize this yearly blessing that is 'Deer Season' ...
I'll be in the woods...