i agree being vegan is unhealthy. theres a vegan kid at our school and all he eats is salad, rice (he makes sure it doesnt have butter) and ceral with soy milk... i dont know how he turns down the steak tips on saturday night? i for one would go insane without a nice slab of beef.
a few weeks ago me and my buddies cooked up a few serloins (medium rare) and some nice thin moose steaks, mashed taters and a nice 17" brook trout i caught ice fishing. the best dorm room meal ive ever had! back in january we did a few brookies, a togue and some salmon. all fish we caught localy while ice fishing. in october it was all about a bow killed doe, partidge and woodcock! nothing like eating something you caught or hunted.
so no ive never considered being a vegitarian!!!