I'm using a PC and it loaded perfectly. I tried it with all 3 browsers as well and the formatting was accepted and displayed correctly with all 3. (Firefox, IE, and Chrome)
Some very minor things I noticed... just a couple very small suggestions. On the crew page:
"Cory Micku is Canada’s version of Chris Burandt……….on a few more cups of coffee-if you know what we mean."
Would change that to:
Cory Micku is Canada’s version of Chris Burandt…… on a few more cups of coffee - if you know what we mean! (Added a space after the periods, (and took a few out) and before and after the "-" Makes it easier to read in my opinion and just looks a little neater. Exclamation mark - optional.)
Brad grew up in Pemberton and knows where all the best riding spots in the area.
Would change to:
Brad grew up in Pemberton and knows where all the best riding spots are in the area. (added the word "are" so it makes more sense)
Brad grew up in Pemberton and knows all the best riding spots in the area. (removed the word "where")
Jorli is a well-rounded snowmobiler and loves to share his experiences and adventures, his credits include Wilderness First Aid and Level 1 Avalanche Operations.
Jorli is a well-rounded snowmobiler who loves to share his experiences and adventures; his credits include Wilderness First Aid and Level 1 Avalanche Operations.
(Changed comma to semicolon and, "and" to "who." Sorry, I know most people don't care about grammar and would never notice. Also, consider the word "certifications," over credits. Sounds more professional, maybe?)
I know you are probably reading this and saying... who cares?
But hey, I told you they were very small suggestions.
The site looks great though. I don't have any other suggestions.