Hi, I figured this site is as good as any for finding a job. I graduated from our State University a week ago with a major in Economics and a minor in Finance. I have lived in MN my whole life and would like to find a long term job either in MN or West near good riding. I think it would be good to get away for a while and cannot see it happening other than if I were to pull the trigger now.
I am not looking for a "free lunch" or any handouts. But If anyone has some good ideas or knows of anyone who needs a good worker and willing to learn, I am all ears. Banking, Sales, Finance, Shipping, HR, Managment Etc. Anything is open.
Thank You,
651 308 9722
I can email my resume. Feel free to PM or call with any Ideas. Thanks.
I am not looking for a "free lunch" or any handouts. But If anyone has some good ideas or knows of anyone who needs a good worker and willing to learn, I am all ears. Banking, Sales, Finance, Shipping, HR, Managment Etc. Anything is open.
Thank You,
651 308 9722
I can email my resume. Feel free to PM or call with any Ideas. Thanks.
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