2 days, 12 hours (With lots of smoke breaks, and being heckled by every Tom, Dick and Harry about owning a 900), and another few more hours to and the beast is ready to roll!
- Checked clutch alignment
- Pulled radiator
- Added more venting
- Sealed surface cracks on throttle body boots
- Checked motor mounts and torque stop
Left to do:
- Bleed coolant system
- Replace oil cable (Found that it was broken when I checked it)
- Reassemble
- Ride
Some things that made me a bit uneasy:
When I pulled everything apart the throttle bodies were full of a gritty oily substance... I wanna say it was either belt dust, or the motor was recently re-done and not cleaned thoroughly, I'm not sure... in any case it's all gone now. I noticed some cold seizure on the mag side piston, and I didn't like the piston wash, other than that everything looked like it was good to go.
A HUGE thanks to those that have made it possible to have access to all the information on these machines, I would have been totally in the dark if it weren't for all of your contributions! Thank you!
- Checked clutch alignment
- Pulled radiator
- Added more venting
- Sealed surface cracks on throttle body boots
- Checked motor mounts and torque stop
Left to do:
- Bleed coolant system
- Replace oil cable (Found that it was broken when I checked it)
- Reassemble
- Ride
Some things that made me a bit uneasy:
When I pulled everything apart the throttle bodies were full of a gritty oily substance... I wanna say it was either belt dust, or the motor was recently re-done and not cleaned thoroughly, I'm not sure... in any case it's all gone now. I noticed some cold seizure on the mag side piston, and I didn't like the piston wash, other than that everything looked like it was good to go.
A HUGE thanks to those that have made it possible to have access to all the information on these machines, I would have been totally in the dark if it weren't for all of your contributions! Thank you!