I won't lie, it seems funny now to see all the news companies and extreme leftwing liberals cry, but I think we will all be crying before Trump is done. Trump really doesn't bring anything to the table except the idea of telling foreign countries to F off and the supposed inability to be "bought". Realistically we are forgetting that companies don't have to buy him they just need majorities in congress. He isn't calling for any reforms just cutting down illegal immigration and not giving money to countries that hate us. While those things are appealing to those of us who are conservative it really won't take care of any other issues that we have here at home. I would like to see some refinement in the current "system" comprising mainly of the ways warren buffet said he would correct the budget imbalance.
On top of that if I was running I would tell that owleyed Janet Yellen to tighten up the monetary supply that idiot is pandering to the stock market far too much for someone in her position. She need not coddle the investment firms and keep the overall economy moving steadily. If she waits until it is too late we cannot ease our monetary policy AT ALL when a real crisis occurs and suddenly we will be forced into negative interest rates which pretty much means your economy is circling the drain just look at Japan.