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> > > Winter Project: An Alaskan Backcountry Documentary (Updated 1-23-14)

Dumb question; does Kickstart shut off upon reaching the goal or does it allow us to overfund them? Just curiosity on my part and likely others who may get paid early due to the holiday weekend? I hope we are able to overfund them, seems like it would go to a good cause and be put to use properly with those involved in this undertaking. Good luck gentlemen! May Ma' nature smile on your film!
Dumb question; does Kickstart shut off upon reaching the goal or does it allow us to overfund them? Just curiosity on my part and likely others who may get paid early due to the holiday weekend? I hope we are able to overfund them, seems like it would go to a good cause and be put to use properly with those involved in this undertaking. Good luck gentlemen! May Ma' nature smile on your film!

Thats a great question and I honestly don't know.
I would guess if they had MORE MONEY they would buy MORE AIRTIME.

Of all the costs that go into the movie, I would have to guess the HELI time is the biggest single line item cost, AND the one that yields some of the very best shots!
<table class="wrapper" align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"><tbody><tr> <td class="content" style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px"> Project Update #13: $1200 and closing fast!!!

Posted by Hybrid Color Films ♥ Like </td></tr> <tr> <td class="content" style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px; PADDING-LEFT: 20px; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px"> Just about there!!

Thats a great question and I honestly don't know.
I would guess if they had MORE MONEY they would buy MORE AIRTIME.

Of all the costs that go into the movie, I would have to guess the HELI time is the biggest single line item cost, AND the one that yields some of the very best shots!

They can continue to collect and it will go towards making the film that much better!

Project Update #16: We kickstarted this! ----> VIDEO UPDATE
Posted by Hybrid Color Films ♥ Like
Hello backers,

Here is a quick video we made about meeting our mark! We've also posted some new stretch goals to see if we can possibly get funding to do an urban segment in our film... check out the video now!

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/80431407?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ff6600" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="250" width="500"></iframe> WINTER PROJECT - FUNDED! from HYBRID COLOR FILMS on Vimeo.
Now that they have made their target of $140K, this is what they will do if they go beyond the 140K mark!!


pledged of $140,000 goal

days to go

I just backed it.
I spent 12 years in Alaska riding every chance I could with some of the best riders/people I seen anywhere in the world! I still get e-mails from people all over the world that have traveled to Alaska to snowmobile using the link I built here on Snowest forum in the Alaska section titled "Directions to favorite Alaska riding areas"
This film is going to Rock, there is so much talent in Alaska and so many unbelievable riding areas. Its staring some of the pioneers of the sport and of course the heroes like Paul Thacker that keeps riding despite injury. (the only thing holding Paul back now is kryptonite).
I now wander the lower 48 like a snowmobiling Nomad looking for anything as incredible as Alaska....
God Bless you guys, good luck with your film and watch out for the "Kenai Crazy's"
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