In the south coast we do not have our “normal” snow pack, there has been a bad rain crust from early December and facets from the cold spell we had. If you think just because that slope never slides and it won’t today you could be in for a big surprise. Why is it so hard for people to take an avy course and actual learn something that could save their life or others. If the people that have been killed so far this year followed just some simple rules the death toll would be much lower.
1. Only one person on the slope at a time and that includes if your buddy trenches it as high as he could get. If he can’t get unstuck by himself why is he riding in places like that. Don’t go up and help him and make that clear to him that you won’t
2. Don’t watch your buddy from the runout zone. Is this ever a no brainer yet it happens all the time
3. Buy a beacon and learn how to use and wear it all the time not just when the rating is high.
4. Take an avy course and if it been a while take a refresher or more advanced course. The Black Tusk Snowmobile Club is putting on a course January 12 & 13 for more info go to
Be safe out there, remember if something happens you are the rescuers
1. Only one person on the slope at a time and that includes if your buddy trenches it as high as he could get. If he can’t get unstuck by himself why is he riding in places like that. Don’t go up and help him and make that clear to him that you won’t
2. Don’t watch your buddy from the runout zone. Is this ever a no brainer yet it happens all the time
3. Buy a beacon and learn how to use and wear it all the time not just when the rating is high.
4. Take an avy course and if it been a while take a refresher or more advanced course. The Black Tusk Snowmobile Club is putting on a course January 12 & 13 for more info go to
Be safe out there, remember if something happens you are the rescuers