Read the 2013/2014 BigHorn Mtn N/S conditions thread. It went awry about post 150 because people got bored waiting for snow, and they were posting about nothing just so they could post, and then some cry baby from back east whined about it and we had to call the wambulance. And then more cry babies started crying and more wambulances had to be called. Pretty soon we had wambulances everywhere, they were bumping into each other they were so thick. At one point it looked like a wambulance demolition derby. It was great!!!!!!! And then it started to snow again and there were actual snow reports being posted. And like all good things about nothing, it came to an end. The wambulances went back to the barn, the crying stopped and life went back to normal. Now if the butt hurt people would just grow up it would be great.