Drilling offshore is another matter. It isn't 10 -15 years as the dems say. It is 1 - 1.5 years from use. the infrastructure is already here. They can use the same exact technique they use in the gulf of mexico.
As for it affecting prices.
Bush lifted the ban on offshore drilling and the price of oil droped 20 dollars a barrel.
Imagine what would happen if Palosi allowed the lifting of the ban to come up for a vote. Palosi is the fall person for the dem agenda.
Why not allow drilling in areas we KNOW have huge oil reserves. At the same time increase research into different types of fuel or ways to increase fuel milage?
I don't think electric hybrids should even be considered.
What do you do with the millions of batteries that will need disposed of?
How do you generate the power needed to recharge the batteries when the enviros and the dems are refusing permits to build new power plants?
Because the Greenies want oil to cost a fortune, it cuts down on it's usage, which they believe should be zero. And, "saves the environment".
Electric hybrids, I don't really believe in them. Electric vehicles are extremely cool. Lead Acid batteries can be recycled. I don't know if all types of batteries can or not.
Anyway, it's like bio fuels, cars will use the next cheapest fuel source, thereby driving the cost of that product through the roof. Electricity, used to power significant numbers of cars, will drive electric rates up. The greenies will fight ever opportunity to build power generation plants. The outcome will be electricity priced out of sight, and a reduction in the use of electricity for general house use. Basically, the greenies are driving us back to the stone age. People need to wake up, and realize that unless your perfectly happy with going back to the clothes line type of living, you better make sure the infrastructure is in place.