I did not look at the video, because im confident I truly know the “real” answer
Let me fog up this thread with some facts….
It all boils down to corporate greed. The housing market was blowing up for about 10 years. The housing market was blowing up and people still get paid the same. The lenders (aka Corporate greed) started dreaming up all kinds of fancy loans to get anyone approved, is this the borrowers fault?….hell no, stupid people will always be in debt no matter what. You don’t see me giving loans to bums do ya….
Now the housing market is taking a huge hit, builders are going bankrupt, banks are putting the squeeze on the builders with no mercy.
Bottom line – Corporate America is responsible for our current economic crisis, they control the money so how in the hell can they not be, duh!
Fun Fact – My wife has worked in the commercial loans side of the banking world for over 10 years. See will most likely lose her job in the next few months as Key Bank is selling off its commercial loans department to another country…..gotta love the fackin good ol USA money hogs. Keep the rich richer and screw the har working folks
Another Fun Fact – I work for Corporate America because I seek a desireable retirement with great benefits….am I to blame?, not really, this is the facked up country we live in. But is it really facked up?….not really, we are just better at the greed game than others. You see how I look at everything from both sides….guess im not a programs lab rat like so many here.