i have a mountain yam with a 162 track...and tamer....( love my tammer..) thinking of changeing it....the track... but here is one problem... i live in quebec.. we do not see the snow like you guys...( except this year )... so i need something that will not feel too much like a truck tire when the snow is not too deep... there usually is a few inches when i ride...of packed snow....on the trails... the stock works pretty good.. but when i climb .. in deep snow i feel there is something better... i have to ask you guys out here... not too many guys around here... that actually know what they are doing on a long track.... i spend about 60 percent on the trails... mainly to get to the places to ride.... we have alot of trees and hills... not alot of open places... except mostly flat feilds...so i need a track for both...but i want to stay7 with the big paddles....