Adrenaline Revolution
Well-known member
First off,
if you are going to get her a sled, get HER a sled.
Don't look at it as a back up sled for you.
Let her ride each sled and see which one she likes.
If that's not possible, at least let her jump on it a few times to see if it "feels right".
Also, as has been stated.
Get her a sled that is a little over her abilities so she can grow into it. I am not talking a turbo sled or anything, but a 600 isn't going to leave any "grow" room unless you are looking to turbo or BB it.
Well put.
I put my wife on one of my old sleds that I had to "De-tune" just a bit for her.
(Lowered the bars back down, removed the drop brackets, put the stock can back in, re-installed the sway bar. etc...
It was "OK" for one season but it clearly was not something she would have chosen but being an awesome wife, she never complained. (During the season
She rode my slightly tweaked 800 and it scared the h3ll out of her a few times but she's never going to be the rider that climbs the extremely big stuff anyway.
She had a chance to ride an '06 REV 600 and she fell in love with it.
The next year we found her a hold over '07 600 SDI REV and she couldn't be happier with it.
I still try to get her to hop on my 800 every so often but she's real aprehensive about it and never feels comfortable with it.
MAKE SURE YOU BUY HER A SLED FOR HER, NOT A BACK-UP FOR YOU if you want her to be a good riding partner.