509 helmet = junk. Bought one after looking at it during haydays. I sure wish I could have my money back.
Breath Box dont stay put at all. held in by the snaps that hold the snaps that hold the LIner in becides your cheeek. Nothing up front to keep it from rotating around and falling under my chin. Can be fixed with some old fashioned velcro.
Chin strap has a snap on it. the snap is there to stop the strap from flapping in the wind. Great idea until you have to feed this thing through D rings every time the helmet goes on and off. Now I have to take my gloves offf to oput on my helmet. If you may have to remove your helmet in a hurry forget it. The snap is there stopping any hurry. Can be fixed with removing the snap.
Im sorry but for a helmet the I paid so much for. And needing some fine tuning is a real bummer.