In honor of another year of Bubba
Liquid AZZ
Frequently Asked Questions
Liquid AZZ
Q: Is Liquid AZZ safe?
A: Yes. Liquid AZZ has been thoroughly tested by an independent lab and found to be safe. Follow directions, and you are good to go.
Q: From what ingredients is Liquid AZZ made?
A: Well, believe it or not, Liquid AZZ is not made from real a$$, although your nose screams otherwise. We can't tell you the actual ingredients since they are proprietory. However, Liquid AZZ has been tested to be safe and it has been rumored that Liquid AZZ clears up clogged sinuses. So AZZ 'em hard and frequently.
Q: Will Liquid AZZ stain cloth, furniture, or carpet?
A: Liquid AZZ is virtually clear and will not stain most fabrics. In fact, Liquid AZZ will not even show on fabrics unless it is pure white.
Q: How long will Liquid AZZ stink after being applied?
A: Results will vary due to ventilation, humidity, room size, and amount applied. In general, when used indoors with medium ventilation, a third of a bottle will generate dry-heave-quality stench from one to three hours.
Q: When will the smell be totally gone?
A: The lingering smell that remains after Liquid AZZ climaxes is usually completely gone within 12 to 18 hours.
Liquid AZZ
Frequently Asked Questions
Liquid AZZ
Q: Is Liquid AZZ safe?
A: Yes. Liquid AZZ has been thoroughly tested by an independent lab and found to be safe. Follow directions, and you are good to go.
Q: From what ingredients is Liquid AZZ made?
A: Well, believe it or not, Liquid AZZ is not made from real a$$, although your nose screams otherwise. We can't tell you the actual ingredients since they are proprietory. However, Liquid AZZ has been tested to be safe and it has been rumored that Liquid AZZ clears up clogged sinuses. So AZZ 'em hard and frequently.
Q: Will Liquid AZZ stain cloth, furniture, or carpet?
A: Liquid AZZ is virtually clear and will not stain most fabrics. In fact, Liquid AZZ will not even show on fabrics unless it is pure white.
Q: How long will Liquid AZZ stink after being applied?
A: Results will vary due to ventilation, humidity, room size, and amount applied. In general, when used indoors with medium ventilation, a third of a bottle will generate dry-heave-quality stench from one to three hours.
Q: When will the smell be totally gone?
A: The lingering smell that remains after Liquid AZZ climaxes is usually completely gone within 12 to 18 hours.