I am sorry you "ment" that I am an Azzhat because I find it morally wrong to show record profits by overcharging for a product that consumers "have" to have. They are no different than the scumbags that charged $10 for a bag of ice after hurricane Hugo, just because people had to have ice because they had no electricity to cool their food (I was there and was one of the lucky ones that had my power back on in about 10 days). The figure, a 3 percent increase from the previous year, exceeded the company’s own record for profits at an American corporation, set in 2006, and is nearly twice what it earned in 2003." They could EASILY lower the price of gas/oil by lowering their prices, that would force all the others to lower their prices or lose the business. By doing this, they yes would lower their "record" profits, but is it right that their "record profits" will drive our whole economy into the ground. If you don't believe that watch what is happening to the price of everything going up due to increased fuel/transportation costs, watch how many farmers/ranchers will lose their land because they can't afford to "work" it.