I am looking for some help. I have been out to jackson hole once to ride a long long time ago, but it looks like my sis (living in Fort collins) is having twins in feb. Since I need to go see the new additions to the fam, I figured I might as well take a sled, but I have no clue where to go or who to hook up with. It will be a quick trip, but I figured if I could ride for a day or 2 what the heck. I trying to decide if it is worth, due date is up in the air so I am wondering if I should fly or just drive only 16 hr in good weather (coming from Indiana). I will drive if ridin ain't too much of a pipe dream (somewhere close to go, poeple to hook up with???) if not I will just fly (need to look into bookin something). If I ride I realize, I need to start getting some setups, next question, 800 mod twin pipes blah, blah or a stock 440 both revs. I guess which one would be more user friendly. I am use to getting stuck in the deep in the up, but I know this is awhole another ball game. Any input
would be greatly appreciated.
would be greatly appreciated.