Graveler, your so cool. Your opinion means so much on here, and your so respected, that I can only hope you'll share your wisdom with us, and tell us what sled to buy. Please let us in on what you ride, so we can all go buy the same sled, and be as cool as you are. I know I have total respect for somebody who has 4000 posts bashing 1 sled, and somebody who knows everything about a sled he's never rode. Please show all us XP owners the light, and tell us what else to do. Also, could you tell us if you like the XP or not. I really want your opinion, because it means so much to me. Thanks for all your contribution on these forums, and helping us out so much. Maybe you & Snohawkaddict can get together, and argue over who's sled is better. Just make sure to post it up, because everybody enjoys reading them so much.