My old Phazer 485 idles perfectly but add throttle and the mag side cyl quits firing. I have cleaned the carbs too many times, floats sit level, needle and seats good, good fuel pump delivery. It almost acts like the main jet is plugged, it's not. I swapped plug wires and still right cyl cuts out. If I give it a shot of prime it will go for 50'. I had to drive the last 15 miles using the primer. When I take the carbs off the float bowels are full. The reeds look good. I pulled the engine and split the case, the crank seals look good. The engine is old and the compression is a bit low, not measured, just what I feel on the pull cord, but I have never seen low compression do this. I don't want to just put new rings in and assume it will fix it. I can't think what it could be.