best track
i never said money was no object, just that $300 isnt all that much. Hell when i fill the diesel up it cost $150. I dont want to put more into the sled than its worth, just want to gain a bigger print. Long is good, but then i have to buy rails/rail extention and a tunnel extention and probably a long cooler inside the tunnel. i would like to go 154 or 156 in a 16 wide. I know with a 16 wide i need bigger upper wheels and differnt drivers probably----$200. a track any where $3-$500 im ok with $6-$800 total, but if i went way longer then it really starts to add up. so if any one has a 16 wide 154 to 156 let me know even if its not a PC or ME its still a vast improvement over my miss lug 151